John Richard Drigalla – Negotiation Mistakes To Avoid

John Richard Drigalla is a skilled negotiator who is able to achieve the outcomes that are in the best interests of his clients and employers when he sits down to meet a business connection. He notes that many novice negotiators make a number of crucial mistakes that can lead to the conversation going south, so he points out the following blunders that all negotiators must avoid.

John Richard Drigalla


Not Doing The Research

It is not enough to know about your own company when you sit down to negotiate. You must also be capable of speaking to everybody at the table about their own companies as well. Failure to do your research in this regard not only puts you at a disadvantage in the negotiation, but may make other participants feels as though you do not respect what they bring to the table.

Avoiding Confrontation

While confrontation is never pleasant, it is sometimes unavoidable during the course of a negotiation. While you should make every effort to be as flexible as possible when speaking to your business contacts, there are times that you will have to put your foot down and stand firm on an issue. Failure to do so could lead to people thinking you are a soft touch, losing respect for you in the process.

Not Listening Properly

John Richard Drigalla notes that maintaining your concentration and really listening to what others are saying during negotiations is important. This will allow you to get a better understanding of their viewpoint and sometimes opens up opportunities to change the direction of the proceedings.


John Richard Drigalla – Tips For Creating Strong Business Relationships Online

While John Richard Drigalla is quick to point out that attending networking events and meeting fellow professionals in person is still the best way to form meaningful business relationships, he also notes that the increasing popularity of social media and other websites makes forming B2B relationships online a distinct possibility. This can often be difficult for those with little experience using the web as a business tool to accomplish, so consider all of the pointers below to potentially open up a new world of opportunities.


John Richard Drigalla

Get On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the biggest social media website for business owners and those who are looking to network with fellow professionals in the world, which means it is essential that you create a profile on the site and start using it on a regular basis if you are looking to build new connections. Pay attention to your profile and make sure that you highlight anything that may be of interest to a potential viewer. You should also endeavor to create content and interact with others using the site, giving them a reason to form a relationship with you that can be built upon in many ways.

Be Easy to Contact

If a potential connection is struggling to contact you, for whatever reason, you may find that they end up moving onto somebody else, taking any potential opportunities along with them. As such, you should make yourself as easy to contact online as possible. Include your email address, relevant social media profiles and website address on any business cards that you hand out and make it a point to respond quickly to any communications that you receive so that you can start developing a relationship.

Search For Influencers

One of the best things about searching for business connections online is that it is easier to determine who the movers and shakers are in your industry, often allowing you to establish direct connections with them rather than having to navigate your way through a sea of people to gain an audience. Don’t be shy of taking the risk to directly email somebody who you consider to be influential in a company’s decision-making processes. Of course, you need to ensure that you have something meaningful to offer if you do, else you give the influencer no reason to respond and form the business relationship that you seek.

Be Friendly

John Richard Drigalla notes that, as with the personal connections you can make at networking events, the people that you connect with online are interested in you as a person as well as what you can offer them professionally. Be friendly in all of your interactions and make an effort to establish common ground during conversations so that new connections are more willing to talk with you.


John Richard Drigalla – Traits A Good Negotiator Must Possess

Having negotiated contracts on a regular basis during the course of his career, John Richard Drigalla is more than aware of the various qualities that a person must possess in order to be successful. He has highlighted all of the following as traits that a good negotiator must have.

John Richard Drigalla


Your levels of confidence can make or break a deal, as many businesses will be unwilling to work with somebody who doesn’t appear to really believe in what they are saying. Work on your delivery and make sure that your knowledge is up to scratch before you enter the meeting. It is also worth keeping your body language in check so that you can portray a confident image.


You must be able to respect and understand the points that are being made by each person at the table. By putting yourself in their shoes, you will better understand their needs and thus be able to offer what they are looking for if it is within you power to do so. Empathy is the cornerstone of successful communication and many people will be unwilling to work with those who don’t seem concerned about them or what they want.


Negotiations can often be long and drawn out process, which John Richard Drigalla notes can become frustrating in some cases. This means that a good negotiator must be able to demonstrate patience in order to get the outcome that they are looking for from the meeting. If you fail to do this, you may find yourself making concessions simply due to fatigue and frustration.